Wait. What?

When he isn't talking your ear off about existentialism, pro-wrestling and the incredibly interesting things that happen in his comparatively mundane life, Dan occasionally writes the poetry he mentions so often. Here it is.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Table For One In A Curry House Window

Atop the stairs
Captain Tragic's naked dog
mopes, glass eyed
he spies 'master' resplendent
in comedy thong
applying the coat, thus
"creating the role",
then shivers alone.

Us, window sat. You, bloated,
fork rice in my wine blurting
and know
I'm laughing inside.

Tragic leaps upon the road, screams
sits and beats between his thighs,
a plastic acorn drum.

'Tree Bucket' outshone
You press your nose to pane, remark
"There's a man-squirrel beating
his nuts in the street. It's almost
poetic" So I snarl a refute and futilely,
remind you "It's trebuchet, love".

Tweeded doormen name Sneer and Snort

chalk out the tarmac ‘tween concrete
lips, wave flags, drop their knickers
and spin as 'His Complete Works' steals first,
the rest of the canon just chasing
to place and Tragic still drums
in the settling dust.

I pay. We step out in the echo.
You stuff your mitts deep
blow mist tipped back on heels
grin "look at that moon!" to
the same old fucking moon then turn
sweetly, smile, take my arm, sigh
"Oh you're just annoyed because
you haven't written anything lately."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ethereal Afternoon

when the speed of light slows
you watch from outside your own head

Scarlet O Hara drove me down to Bracelet Bay
to throw rocks at the sea for her dog

The lumbering hound pummels the sand
and her clattering rocks in the distance
She never looks down
I pinch fags from her purse

The cafe clamour traffics round us
Dog licks the window
her nails rap the table
I tap ash

Saw Thor stroll by outside
an ice cream in each hand
And she ignored him

From The Balcony Witnessed: A Smoke by Shore

They need not have known each other.

Your first bloke, solitary
showed only waiting.
Not impatiently, with destination.
Nor idle without direction.

Your second bloke
arrives and leaves without distinction.
More a suggestion, that this mood
accompanies all his travels.

And yet between, your fellows bob on land
The concrete swells where sea has stopped
transfixed, her daughters return o'er head.
World travelled, form-changed they fall

in shards on sand and stone, briefly
hold two men in shelter, attired
in shorts and sports vests sharing a light,
then pass.

Monday, February 22, 2010

In Which The Muse Pervades The Theme

That art of sound, of which you idly gave
as food for form by prompt of searching speech
in penance weak performance played,
is you.

Though left in dust your pick, your lucky tip,
a pachyderm now squats my neural sit
and rhythm, timbre, texture, pitch,
are you.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I do not love you
Enough (or at all)
Are you worth
A thing to this world
That this creature
Short of
Many Things
Should spend breath for whatever
Middle road damage
That makes you

So please
Not for me
And no, not
Not for you
For no benefit
Wage, worth or trophy

For once
For Variety

Just don't.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I saw him again at our cat's funeral.

Plucked out his eyes
and blue
tacked them to his fingers

taped his smile
upside down
on the back of his hand

then held his chin.
He wore this
till the plot was full.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rain Check

It's just gone 9, as we leave down the path
Dog pulls stops then sniffs as I trundle on past
Down the street as I fiddle with gloves round the corner
adjusting my collar when...

Dusty awe, settles
on a slowing instant gaze


Street head flood big company signs
Like Embers in smoke or
'Close Encounters' on an old fuzzy screen

I know what they are but for now they are not
Just lights
But silent amber stars, resting
Nestled in a misty bedding

On clearer nights they hum as chorus
The denser parts buzz
Drops of cream on orange streets
With a painter's twitch of red or blue
Like discrete spills

Just for now, it is the valley's eternal slumber
The frosted glass of late-winter's night
Both a mask and its casket

Dog presses on
And so, do I

Ten coming to and full circle walked
We return at the hilltop
to jot pen to pad in my head
But gone is this spectacle promising rhyme

Now fog bogs the valley
The stars hang mute
And not in silence's melody
But the piercing ring of songs ended

Still, I smile
And knowing why
Look on

The whole dog wags and I
Consider a fleeting moment's joy, yet
 Poetic as a walk can be
Dog stinks of wet, and jumps on me

 So thought switches to you, my absent friend
And the rain check you took to stay home and dry
So to give me this evening to share with the valley
 And knowing I might preserve it thus

It is kept forever, for both of us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Junkbox Collaboration

Drawn down and further ever on you fell like deadweight
and sank way below most objects of the same shape
lost like a ship, beyond the great cape

there's a man with a shotgun, perched, waiting
trying to break out of Nietchze's Moustache
with wire cutters, semtex and an ounce of hash (for the nerves)

The nerves he'd suffered with since the day his father beat that dog without warning then had several helpings at dinner.
But nerves or not, what else could he do? Desperation would see him through.

you can hear the silent screams of
a poem that has lost its muse

Dan, Richard, James, James, Kelly & Hugh

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sand-eyed and Smiling

Just another flying Monday breakfast
half-packed, unwashed, in Friday's clothes.
Door slamming and sand-eyed, hot bread in hand
I began the hill

and remembered how your mother
would butter toast, tuck us in,
your father's merry, snoring head
tipped back and spent. The smoke thick air,
the cigar and liquor's dancing scent. Our tongues
and theories, sweetened, exhausted
slept well.

And remembered how your mother
would butter toast, kick us out
still young and years from hungover.
We'd breathe and smile in Saturday’s, Sunday's
morning light and frost, fulfilled.
Then learned, released
begin home.

Impolitely Blasting Sideways

She arrove in cartoon suddenness,
impolitely blasting sideways.

All shade and hope of dry was flung
from hand by soppering fiends,
my shield-stick cotton-jonny'ed,
gaily tossed from sight.

What really twast my tat was him,
hung there gurning lumine grin.
Shoes, mugged of shape and form the

cheesed it. Leaving the starball mirthed,
hydrogen belching, worshipped,
dragging a fist of crayons
on his bedroom wall.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

We are sixteen and you are THE DEATH STAR

We are sixteen and
you are big, big as half a door frame
maybe more
and about as deadly as your lemon cake
isn't mediocre

Yet, you are ominous with a presence
that fills your home, as does the smell
of talc, but
you are more powerful than we are willing
to admit.

Round as a rake and twice short
A pillar of grey in marigold and flora
When Glen said you were evil he didn’t
mean it
We were just bummed at how you exploded
like a carcathyst
when you found all our blow

You are growly now because “old age don't
come alone”, yes
we get it and no we don't want to hear
about how you used to be a wonderful singer

and we are more scared than willing
to admit.

The Argument For

It's cool.
Choose a brand.
Choose your brand.
Roll your own.
Roll a friend's.
It's like wrapping a present
- and setting it on fire.
You'll die.
You’ll die thin.


It was brain sleep
Beautiful dreamless repair

But woke
not where my head had lain
nor (where had) the remainder of my being.

I surveyed. The room still on its side
Said nothing.

Stood and so reminded to breath
Inwards rushed the elements unseen
As backdraught thick and stripping, outs.

Furniture, fittings, walls and their cousins
Uprighted violent then tauntingly
Paused .

My pins trollyed.
The dresser inched forever forward
Over his shoulder, the mirror offered no answers
Fewer compliments
And with subtlety,
mocked my forehead's fabric branding.

Behind me and slowly, the door
Slid his hand in mine but betrayed by his hinges
announced a guest

And on my way down

I noticed
a crab sandwich had been looking at me sideways.

Monday, February 08, 2010


"Bye then" I shrug at first at least
from the step, looking out at the street,
nothing new. Same street as before
except for the cat,

the one from next door.
He was old though. We’d leave him things
but spurned from our bins said
he wouldn’t come again. So

from one box to another
Six years in one with atom, vial and hammer
now forever the other
Well, forever till worm-shit.

At the table then, late
sauced and in view of a flame I wagging
to ceiling said “this round’s on you,
all in on your name!” She dances

her shoulders, in eyelids and lips
then I echo her smile when she’s counting
my chips, “Guess you are as you were George”
and chuckle relief. “If you’d bailed me out now...”

I might have to grieve.

Tuesday Evening On Cromwell

I am comfortable as man here.
It could not be decided who had
un-shirted last or first but the
acts were individual and genuine.
A summer-storm passed, humidity
seemed an acceptable scapegoat.

But to me, Mr. Lee Roth's presence
above the screen is disconcerting,
and I picture us permed,
sat on the floor with our pasta
and Die Hard.

Mike vs. 700 (a dream)


    From what I remember
    it started just
    past your house
    after I walked you home
    I was shedding cheese
    and feathers as I span
    so fast trying
    to impress your friends
    you hadn't met/then
    under day-lit canvas
    in joined tents those
    friends debate us bluntly,
    mine        laugh small
     |I hope they will be bored
             when I leave
         there will be stories|
    you tussle my mane dark
    red your boyfriend just
    I was coming back in curiosity
    of what I had left
    but stepped out on the sand

    and    forgot/
    we chose our trucks, green
    named one passenger
    recorded his dialogue
    turned back and saw me       talking
    to my fingers/it was film-set sun
    high tan I stumbled
    at the sea dodging tides
    of popular culture until Tyson
    hooked me in path
    of a speeding Honda
    then it was calm for a while/
    I smashed up a gift shop
    with an old friend still
    in his school jumper snapping
    pencils as they kicked us
    out so I started punching
    a pig tied to a post
    hearing "open your eyes dickhead"
    saw a sign for the pie shop and
        my inked knuckles

    I was hungry        but
        the butcher had seen
        the whole thing/


my love for you has no arms or legs
it will never leave

but then again
it can't dance either