Wait. What?

When he isn't talking your ear off about existentialism, pro-wrestling and the incredibly interesting things that happen in his comparatively mundane life, Dan occasionally writes the poetry he mentions so often. Here it is.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here at ‘Reflection’: The corner of Portrait and Bio

They go often, seldom meet
take souvenirs of worth
reflective, potent
with potential for growth, though

must suffer Hollywood
amnesic clouts of happenstance,
the bum’s rush victim
Self inflicted and operated
a back scratch turned collar snatched
Synergy of leap and hurl

Blow life's currency
swinging blindly inward to
the beat and strum
of self loathing and other
wankery trifes

Wield drills and spades and toothpicks
hack by blade or handle’s bludgeon
subject roped
supine on Excalibur’s sheath,

score with searing fountain nibs
The cracked blunt spines
of wizened tomes, bruise
but unearth no unknown.

Paw their scrapbook’s lemon juice script
stare blind
blind in deep, deep empty chests.

So assemble each other in sunlight and dust
embrace a foreigner filling a lover’s skin
stretched and ill-fitting
tailored by failure to find.

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